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Bayside Men's Shed
Calendar for 2025..
Following is planned for 2025 - but is subject to change.
TBA indicates date yet to be finalised.
Wednesday 1 : New Year's Day Holiday - CLOSED
Monday 27 : Australia Day Holiday - CLOSED
Tuesday 4 : Committee Meeting
Tuesday 11 -1130 : Guest Speaker
Drew Mounter, BMS
'Cruising on the Grey Funnel Line'
- followed by Shed BBQ
Wednesday 1 : Shed Membership Renewal due
Monday 10 : Labour Day - CLOSED
Tuesday 11 -1130 : Guest Speaker
Raquel O'Donnell, BoltonClarke
'Falls Prevention'
- followed by Shed BBQ
Friday 18 : Good Friday - CLOSED
Monday 21: Easter Monday - CLOSED
Tuesday 22 - 1130 : Guest Speaker
Peter Hocking
'Tanks, Monash and the Miracle of Hamel'
- followed by Shed BBQ
Friday 25 : ANZAC Day - CLOSED
Tuesday 6 - Committee Meeting
Tuesday 13 - 1130 : Guest Speaker
Geoff Bransbury
'Travelling the Wold on a Motorbike'
- followed by Shed BBQ
Tuesday 3 - 1130 : Guest Speaker
Taryn Ferguson, BoltonClarke
'Master your Mind'
- followed by Shed BBQ
Monday 9 : King's Birthday - CLOSED.
TBA : Guest Speaker
Tuesday 5 : Committee Meeting
TBA : Guest Speaker
Tuesday 2 - 1130 : Guest Speaker
Raquel O'Donnell, BoltonClarke
'CPR and Defibrillaor Basics'
- followed by Shed BBQ
Friday 26 : AFL Grand Final Friday - CLOSED
Tuesday 7 : Committee Meeting.
TBA : Guest Speaker
TBA : Shed Open Day
Bayside Healthy Aging Seniors Festival.
Tuesday 4 : Melbourne Cup - CLOSED
TBA : Guest Speaker
Wednesday 5 - 1100 : Annual General Meeting
- followed by Shed BBQ
Tuesday 2 : Committee Meeting.
TBA : Shed Xmas Lunch - CLOSED
Thursday 25 : Christmas Day - CLOSED
Friday 26 : Boxing Day - CLOSED
Monday 29 - CLOSED
Tuesday 30 - CLOSED
Wednesday 31 - CLOSED
January 2026
Thursday 1 : New Year's Day - CLOSED
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